Subscription Centre
To ensure we manage your consent correctly, please complete the fields below.
The information you submit is only used to allow us to update your consent preferences.
Your Name
Your Phone
Your Address
Your Registration Number
Your Email
We want to ensure what you receive is specific to your preferences. Please select who you are happy to hear from. (Tick all that apply)
Johnson & Perrott Motor Group
None of the Above
Please note, you have selected "None of the above". This means we will not be able to send you any offers or promotions at all in the future, unless you contact us again to do so, is this ok?This includes but not limited to breakdown assistance, warranty, on-board personalised assistant & Wifi. Please skip straight to the SUBMIT at the bottom this page.
We can ensure you're only contacted in a way that suits you and is specific to your preferences. Which content are you happy to receive? (Tick all that apply)
Service / Vehicle notifications
Customer Satisfaction surveys
None of the Above
Please note, if you leave ‘Service/vehicle notifications’ unticked or if you select 'None of the above', this means we will not be able to send you any offers or promotions at all in the future, unless you contact us again to do so, is this ok? This includes but not limited to breakdown assistance, warranty, on-board personalised assistant & Wifi.
Please note, you have selected 'all of the above'. This means we will not be able to send you any offers or promotions at all in the future, unless you contact us again to do so, is this ok?
We'd like to give you the choice of how we contact you in the future. Which type of contact are you happy to receive? (Tick all that apply)
Phone Calls
All of the above
We are committed to improving our service and customer communications. If you have any comments, positive or negative, or any other requests in relation to how we manage your consent, please let us have your feedback in the Comments box below.
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