Welcome to the on-line consent service from Touchbase.

GDPR comes into effect from 25th May 2018. Failure to comply with this important new legislation can result in fines of up to €20,000,000 or 4% of your turnover, whichever is higher. Managing which customers you have consent to contact is crucial to ensure compliance.

Our on-line facility is a simple way for you and your customers to manage and store consent to assist with being GDPR compliant.

Below are just some of the features of our service:

  • Display a branded webpage unique to your business for the purpose of managing customer consent.
  • A link to your online consent webpage can be used in all customer contact including: Direct mail, SMS, email campaigns.
  • The unique webpage will offer your Customers a simple way to manage their consent with your business for any future contact.
  • Mobile or desktop connectivity allows any member of staff to record consent on-line through mobile or desktop.
  • You can also use this service for your 3rd party service providers, such as call centres to record your customers consent options.
  • Any updates of consent or opt-outs are instantly sent to the relevant staff members or directly to your data management system.
  • Produce reports of all consent / opt-outs received in a period.
  • Logging of all consent details including:
    Phone | SMS | Address | Email.
  • Logging of all customer preferences for types of contact including:
    Sales | Service | Promotions | Surveys | Manufacturer.
  • Regular push reporting of key information to key personnel and systems.
  • Ensures you have a consistent and robust customer consent policy.

Check out our sample customer consent page HERE.

Signing up to our service will allow you to include one of our key domain names in your marketing campaigns.

These include:
www.iconsent.ie | www.myconsent.ie | www.optout.ie | www.unsub.ie | www.out.ie

Call us on 045-409285 or email info@myconsent.ie.

You can also get in touch by filling in the form below.

Sign up today from just €45 per month